How to Clean Traeger Grill Components Through DIY


If you know the joy of grilling delicious meals on a grill then you will definitely know about Traeger grill. It is the most advanced type of grill that works automatically with precise temperature settings that are pre-programmed in it. However, this is not the topic here. The thing I am going to discuss is its cleaning. Many of us do not know how to clean the Traeger grill because of its components.

It is not the most exciting part, but it is so important to keep it working for so many years even after the guaranteed time. Cleaning both the inside and the outside of the grill comes under the same roof. In this guide, we will go through the basic steps, some of the homemade tricks, and also the awesome grill cleaners that help to remove grease and food particles easily.

Tools Needed to Clean a Traeger Grill

  • Grill brush: A Grill brush helps to scrub away stubborn grime from the grill. The ashes of pellets are not properly cleaned without a brush.
  • Scraper or Aluminum foil: It is needed for those tough grease and spots that need a little extra work while cleaning.
  • Mild dish soap: It helps to remove the greasy and stickiness from the grill.
  • Kitchen Towel: It is used for drying the grills’ surface and its components. It absorbs the water droplets and also helps in removing water spots from the surface.
  • Spray bottle: It is not necessary but it will make your work easy. The spray bottle helps to clean those areas that are hard to reach and clean.
  • Grill cleaner: It is specially formulated for cleaning the grill.

Easy Way on How to Clean Traeger Grill

It is easy to clean a Traeger grill. It has different components that need proper cleaning. For thorough cleaning, detach the grill before cleaning. You may get perfect results if you follow the organized strategy given below. We have broken down the process into simple steps.

  1. Start the Traeger grill on the “Smoke” setting for about 10 minutes. It will loosen any residue. After that take the grill brush and brush on the areas that have residue like grates and other interior components. Starting a Traeger grill is simple and needs a little understanding of the settings.
  2. If the resides are hard to remove take a scraper or aluminum foil to remove excess buildup from the grates and other parts. Wipe down the interior with a damp cloth. It will help if you remove the grates, drip tray, and any other removable parts.
  3. Wash the removed parts with warm soapy water. The grease and other residues will be washed out in soapy water. If the stubborn particles are hard enough to remove use commercial grill cleaners.
  4. Inspect the fire pot, heat baffle, and pellet auger for any remaining grease or residues. Empty the grease bucket or the dip pan and check the grease management system.
  5. Wipe down the exterior surface that includes the body, control panel, and knobs with a damp cloth. Clean the wheels and legs if needed. The longevity of the Traeger grill depends on cleaning.
  6. If your grill has a cover, shake it off the debris. If it is messy, wash it to avoid rats, ants, and other living things.

Remove the Grease

Cleaning grease from traeger grill
  • Start by removing the grease pan located beneath the fire pot and carefully empty it in a dustbin. It collects grease dripped from the food and the food particles.
  • Use warm water and dish soap to clean the pan. It will ensure that the grease will be removed completely. It will be difficult to clean your grill if there is a grease fire.
  • Wipe off the inside side of the grill with a moist cloth or towel. It helps to remove the grease which is collected when cooking food. The interior of the grill includes interior walls, heating burners, and a lid.

Cleaning the Auger

  • Before cleaning the auger remove any remaining pellets from the hopper. If you do not remove the pellets, it will enter into the fire pot during cleaning.
  • Carefully check the auger for obstructions or pellet jams. If you see a jam, gently push on the trapped pellets using a wooden dowel until the jam gets opened. Do not use metal objects for this process as it will damage the auger.
  • When the jam in the auger has been cleared, take a shop vacuum and clean the auger to get rid of any remaining particles. A clean grill is necessary for keeping the auger to work properly.

Remove Ash from Fire Pot

  • Let the grill cool down completely before cleaning the ash. Hot ash can be a safety hazard.
  • Gently brush away ash and debris from the fire pot using a grill brush or scraper. Use a shop vacuum to remove the remaining ash. Collect the ashes in an aluminum foil and throw it in a dustbin.
  • Ensure that the air holes in the fire pot are clear of any obstructions. This ensures proper airflow for combustion.

Cleaning Grill Grates

  • Grill grates have lots of food particles stuck on it. Before cleaning them, start the grill on high heat for a few minutes. It helps to lose the particles which will help in scrubbing the grates. Remember, don’t make the grates burning hot.
  • Wear fire pit gloves and take out the grates from the grill. Scrub the grates using a grill brush to remove any food particles. The hot grates make the cleaning process easy as the stuck food is oily in nature.
  • You can use aluminum foil for cleaning the grates if you do not find any grill brush when cleaning.
  • After scrubbing, Wash the grates with warm and soapy water. It will remove the food particles as well as the oil from the grates. Some people do not recommend washing grates with soapy water.
  • When the grates are completely clean apply a thin layer of oil on the grates and heat up for a few minutes for seasoning them.

Exterior Surfaces

  • It is easy to clean and maintain the exterior of the grill. It is a flat surface and only has some spots of grease and grime.
  • Take a kitchen towel and wet it with warm soapy water. Dish-dying soap is one of the best cleaning agents for removing dust and grease from the grill surface. Gently start scrubbing the soapy towel from one side of the grill.
  • The soap will break down these stuck particles from the surface. It is advised to avoid abrasive and harsh chemicals while cleaning the grill. It will potentially scratch or damage the finishing.

Control Panel and Knobs

The control panel and knobs are the main components of the Traeger grill that needs regular cleaning. Use a damp towel and gently wipe down the elements. Avoid highly damp cloth as the moisture will affect the electronic component of the grill which can cause electric shock or damage to the grill.

Wheels and Legs

  • Pay attention to the grill’s legs and wheels. These components gradually fill with dirt and debris over time, which restricts movement and may harm the grill. To clean dirt or grime from the wheel and legs, use a grill brush and kitchen towel.
  • Use hot water and dish soap to clean residues that are sometimes difficult to remove with a cloth or a brush.

Grease Management System

Traeger grills come with a grease management system to collect extra grease and avoid grease fires and mess. It has a grease bucket that can collect the grease coming from the food while grilling. When you are preparing a meal for a big gathering, remove the grease bucket and wash it with proper soapy water on a regular basis. It is a good practice to have a grease fire extinguisher in the home for safety purposes.

Cleaning a Traeger Grill with Homemade Solutions

Vinegar Solution

Cleaning grill grates with Homemade solution
  • Take a spray bottle and mix an equal amount of white vinegar and water into it. Shake it well before applying to the grill.
  • Spray the solution on the components that have grease including grill grates, and side walls as the heat makes the juice to make splashes, and the bottom of the grill.
  • Remove the drip tray from the grill and clear it of any grease any food particles present in it before applying the solution. When you are done with it apply extra solution on it and leave it for at least 5 minutes.
  • The acidic properties of vinegar break down the grease and food particles that are stuck to the grill.
  • When you see the grease is separated from the components, wash them with soapy water. After rinsing, pat dry them with the help of a paper towel.

Baking Soda Paste

  • Take a bowl and mix half a cup of baking soda in a small amount of water to make a paste. Don’t use excess water as it will not sit on the grill. Apply the paste on the grill.
  • Pay extra attention to those areas that need more cleaning like the drip plate and the bottom of the grill. The grates also need more care as the food is cooked over it.
  • Leave the paste on the grill and on its components for a certain amount of time, so the solution will work effectively on the grill.
  • Scrub the grates and other parts that have hard grease on them. When you are done with scrubbing, wash the grates with clean water. If the components are still left with food particles, use dish-drying soap to remove grease and food particles.
  • After cleaning the grill dry it using a paper towel. It is important because the wet parts may cause rust on the grill.

Lemon Juice Degreaser

  • Take 4 to 5 lemons and squeeze it in a bowl. Add an equal amount of water to the juice. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and give it a good shake.
  • Spray the solution on the grill mostly on the greasy parts and let it sit for a few minutes. The acidic nature of lemon will break down the grease and the hard grime from the surface.
  • When you see clear broken-down grime and grease take a paper towel and wipe the grill. If there is remaining grease on the grill, go for another session and use a scrapper on such areas.
  • Lemon juice is considered as a degreaser. Lemons have a pleasant scent, which is an additional benefit along with cleaning. The food cooked over the grill absorbs the pleasant odor of lemon left on the grill.

Essential Steps for Cleaning Traeger Grill with Grill Cleaner

Essential supplies for cleaning

Gather Your Supplies:

Choose a high-quality grill cleaner made specifically for removing the dirt from the grill. It is made especially for cleaning purposes. There are no harsh chemicals in them that can affect the grill. The other materials that are needed for cleaning are a grill brush, scrubbing pad, kitchen towel, and grill scraper. Remember to use a soft scrubbing pad and a grill brush because it can cause scratches on the grill mostly on the grates.

Spray the Cleaner:

Before applying the cleaner, read the manufacturer’s instructions included on the product label to see if there are any special suggestions or safety measures to take. Spray on the areas that need cleaning. To get consistent coverage, hold the spray bottle 6 to 8 inches away from the grill.

Let it Sit:

Let the grill cleaner sit on the surfaces of the grill for a specified amount of time mentioned on the cleaner. It is mostly three to five minutes. It can get harder to remove the cleaner if you allow it to dry on the surface during this duration.

Scrub and Wipe:

After 5 to 10 minutes take a grill brush or a scrubbing pad and scrub the parts that have grease or grime. Start cleaning the components first, and at the end go for the grill body. If the grill brush is made up of steel don’t rub the grates as some of the grill grates have porcelain coating that will be worn out with the steel bristles.

Use grill scrapers as some of the greases are stuck with the components. The scrubber is more effective in removing stubborn particles.

Rinse and Dry:

When you are done with scrubbing the grill wash it completely. Each part must be rinsed separately. Pay extra attention to the body as it has corners and small areas where there are chances for the accumulation of cleaning detergents. Take a hose pipe and give a pressure wash so, the cleaning agent will be completely removed. When you are done with washing, dry it with a paper towel or a kitchen towel.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean trap grease on a Traeger grill?

Always remember to turn off the grill before starting cleaning. When the grill cools down open the grill and check the areas that have trap grease. It mostly traps under the drip pan and on the walls of the grill. Remove the drip pan carefully as it has lots of grease as well as food particles. Dispose of the grease into a bag. Wash the remaining trap grease and look for clogs or blockages on the grill. At last, dry it off and place it under the grates.

Can a Traeger grill have a grease fire?

Grease does not depend on the type of grill. If your food has lots of fats and juicy marinade it will cause grease fire. Traeger grill also runs on fire and heat so, it also has a greater chance of getting grease fire. The grease can accumulate in the fire pot, under the drip tray, and in other parts of the grill. When it is heated it starts smoking and ultimately starts a fire.

When to Clean a Traeger Grill?

Traeger grill is one of the newest inventions in the grilling world. It is made while considering the ease of the griller. Most of the Traeger grills come with an automatic cleaning system. However, check the areas like the grease management system, interior surfaces, and grates that need thorough cleaning or not. Also, clean the fire pot and the auger as pellets will stick if the grill is left unattained.


Cleaning a Traeger grill is necessary for easy grilling. It helps to grill food without any worry of grease fire and wearing out of a grill. The steps listed above for cleaning each part are easy to follow as the grill has many parts and each part needs a thorough cleaning. If you are good at fixing the grill, go for the DIY process of cleaning otherwise grill cleaner will work the same but it will cost your pocket. According to the grill masters DIY solutions are best for cleaning Traeger or other types of grills.

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